one year


One year ago I sat down and wrote in this space for the first time. Life as I knew it was about to take a huge turn, and we were filled with equal parts stress and hope. Today, nothing in our days looks like we planned then except for the fact that we are all together under one roof. And really, that’s the most important part.

It’s been a lovely year, really, in spite of and maybe because of our setbacks. We’ve met some amazing people, and had many adventures. I’ve been able to focus on being the mama I want to be, and finding a rhythm that works for our little family.

I’m still struggling to define success for myself without basing my criteria on anyone else’s prescribed goals and benchmarks. I have to remind myself that balance  is the keyword, and when looked at with a critical eye, we are truly achieving balance on a daily basis: neither of us waste hours on commuting, we are all home for dinner six nights out of the week, and we are enjoying more flexibility in our schedule than ever before. We have so much going for us, and yet I still get frustrated sometimes at our seeming inability to attain that pesky American Dream, even if we don’t really want it. It would be nice to feel like we’re getting “ahead.” I don’t see how I could possibly be alone in that.

It has been a year of adjustment and revision, of leaving my comfort zone in the dust and finding a new little place to settle into to be more fully myself. I’m finding my voice again, and have been gratified to receive your notes of enjoyment and encouragement here.

As I mark this first anniversary, and make some internal evaluations, could I ask a favor of you? Leave me a comment below. Let me know why you join me in this space, and why our adventure speaks to you. If you’re so inspired, if there’s a post that has spoken to you over the past year, would you share it with your friends in some way?

Thank you for being here, and for joining us on this wild ride. I am grateful for you.


9 thoughts on “one year

  1. I follow you because I love you and I love hearing about what is going on in your life. ❤ I don't get to read everything you post, but I always enjoy when I get to read what you share. I hear your voice with every word I read and I have to say that more recently I am hearing the real "Kirsten" happiness now that you are all under one roof again. That makes my heart happy for you all. ❤ Love you


  2. I do a lot of brainstorming about success and happiness in my own life. It seems as if we have the American dream, a gaggle of kids, a house, two cars, a stay at home parent, plenty of stuff. But every person and family you meet is struggling with their own challenges and fantasizing about all the changes they’ll make “someday.” I just went to my quote journal, looking for one I wanted to share. I didn’t find that one, but I saw another I think is equally good. “Cultivate patience.” So easy in theory, so difficult in practice. Patience with your children, your spouse, with progress, with yourself, with change, etc.


  3. I love following you here because I am so delighted to see the wonderful woman you have become and grateful to be able to still share parts of your life.


  4. I follow you because I want your courage to work for what you want – even though it has been tough going. And, of course, because your kids are so stinkin’ cute!


  5. I read your blog every time you post! You’re so very eloquent in your writing and I love “catching up” with you, J, and the girls. I, for one, am jealous (and proud!) that you had the courage to do what most of us only dream of doing. My love to you, dear friend!!!


  6. In many ways your posts have revitalized and encouraged me. You seem very hungry for the ‘essence’ of life and you bare it so openly. It’s something so raw and beautiful and it makes you shine! Reading as you have uncovered the ‘secrets’ to this way of life. Has reminded me how easy it is to lose perspective. I have lived in New England nearly all my life and have easily lost sight of what’s before me. When we’re not looking life can often leave a bitter taste in our mouth. You have reconnected me to a part of myself (a part of my roots) I had thrown out with the trash [no pun intended 😉 ]. Thanks so much for restoring something so lost to me!! ♡
    Your life is beautiful and you are radiant in it! Keep living it uniquely your own! 🙂


  7. Filtering out the unpleasant and concentrating on the good in life is not always an easy thing to do. Your blog is inspiring. Bless you and your family.


  8. With two girls 12 & 14yo, I enjoy your stories of your wee ones as they remind me of mine at that age. For me, too, it was a time of trying to find balance and focusing on them. Today, life is a whirlwind of (mostly) their activities and I relish being part of it, but sometimes long for those more balanced days of years past. So, I live vicariously through you. 🙂


  9. Hi there, sorry I’m getting around to reading this so late–I can’t remember how I came across your blog but I started reading almost from the beginning and liked the name “Two in the Rafters”. I like the positive hopeful tone of your writing, and you have a nice writing style. I feel that writing a blog is a bit like whispering into an abyss you really have no idea where your words are going. But what’s important is that you are observing, digesting, and sharing and your thoughts and words are reaching out and meaning something to those of us who return. It’s nice. Keep going 🙂


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